‘We live in a different age now’: Mengapa militer Indonesia tidak...
JAKARTA: Dia disiksa, menjalani kerja paksa dan harus...
Indonesia batalkan haji tahun ini karena ketakutan akan virus corona
MOSKOW: Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin pada hari Jumat menetapkan nada keras untuk pertemuan puncaknya yang akan datang dengan Presiden AS Joe Biden, menuduh Washington...
Timor-Leste’s uncertain future | Lowy Institute
Like many developing nations, Timor-Leste has undergone significant demographic change and has an overwhelmingly young and growing population, with 73 per cent estimated to...
Navigating unity between Malaysia and Indonesia
In the intricate world of international diplomacy, the strength of the relationship between nations is frequently gauged by their capacity to align their...
Indonesia pushing bill to restrict investigative journalism and increase censorship ‘by...
He also said that for president-elect Prabowo, who had long been haunted by alleged past human rights abuses, “not having things raked up by...