Three conditions needed to realize advanced Indonesia: governor

Jakarta (ANTARA) – West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil has said that there are three conditions that need to be fulfilled by all parties to truly realize an advanced Indonesia by 2045.

“We believe that Indonesia will become a great country, a superpower in 2045, coinciding with 100 years of Indonesian Independence,” Kamil noted here on Friday.

The first condition to realize an advanced Indonesia by 2045 is ensuring that the country is free from stunted children and stunting cases because stunting has a major impact on children’s growth, such as abnormal height and impaired cognitive development, he said.

Based on the Indonesian Nutritional Status (SSGI) survey, the prevalence rate of stunting in West Java was 24.5 percent in 2021, slightly above the national average of 24.4 percent.

“When planning to have children, you must pay attention to the nutrition of children, from pregnancy until the age of two. If they get stunted, when they grow up, they will not be able to compete,” he explained.

He emphasized that stunting prevention efforts must also be made when a child is about to enter adolescence with the help of the immediate environment to detect indications or risks of stunting.

“Immediately report to the posyandu (integrated health post) and to the village head. We will help and eradicate stunting together,” he said.

The second condition is that everyone must understand the digital economy. According to him, the use of mobile phones must not only be limited to communication, but also generating income that can improve family finances.

The third condition is to maintain harmony with each other.

“In 2045, Indonesia will be a great country, if we do not fight each other. God created human beings with all their differences as mercy, not as a source of hatred,” he remarked. 

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